Exclusive Property Consultancy fees

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 6-III and 19 of the Act for Confidence in the Digital Economy, and the decree of January 10, 2017 relating to the information of consumers by professionals involved in a real estate transaction. We inform you that:

Spese d'agenzia'

Type of transaction Prezzo Tax inclusive fees
Vendita >0 € 6,00 % Vente de villa, appartement ou local commercial
Vendita >0 € 10,00 % Vente de terrain, vente de garage
Vendita >0 € 6,00 % Vente de droit au bail ou fond de commerce
Affitto >0 € 13 € le m² - Location de villa et appartement en résidence principale
Affitto >0 € 1 mois de loyer - Location de villa et appartement en résidence secondaire
Affitto >0 € 1 mois de loyer - Location de fond de commerce
Affitto stagionale >0 € 20,00 % du montant de la location

These rates include VAT.
They include visiting, negotiation and sales record services.

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